CS229a - Week 4

Motivations Non-linear hypotheses Why do we need, you know, neural networks? For many interesting machine learning problems would have a lot more features than just two. \[g(\theta_0 + \theta_1x_1 +...

CS229a - Week 3

Logistic Regression Classification and Representation Classification 예제들 이메일: 스팸 여부 Online transactions: fraudulent or not(사기 여부) Tumor(종양): Malignant or not(악성 여부) Binary classification problem \[y \in \{0,1\}\] 0: Negative Class,...

CS229a - Week 2

Environment Setup Instructions brew install octave Octave doc https://octave.org/doc/interpreter/ Multivariate Linear Regression Multiple Features Notation: \(n\): number of features \(m\): number of traning examples \(x^{(i)}\) = input of ith training...

CS229a - Week 1

Introduction What is Machine Learning? E = the experience of playing many games of checkers T = the task of playing checkers P = the probability that the program will...

Kaleido 팀

2017년 9월에 Kaleido 팀에 합류했다. 2019년 5월 지금은 곧 다른 일을 할지도 모른다는 생각이 들었다. 이전에는 다른 일을 하게 될 때 글을 남기지는 않았는데, 그 때 했던 일이나 느낌을 잊어버리는...